Incarcerated Experience Foundation

Tattooed Emotions

    During a period of my life, I worked as a correctional officer in a state prison. Not only did I grow, during that time as a Christian, but I also discovered that most people are looking for happiness in their lives. The search for pleasures and happiness pulls us into drugs, sex, and crimes of thrill seeking. I also found that people seek happiness in the ultimate, money and power. Money and power buys you friends and all the pleasures in life. Hence, comes the cooking and selling of drugs. That is, until the day it all ends in court and prison. With all your possessions, money, friends, family, and power gone, you sit in prison lonely, powerless, and broke. As we sit at the bottom, we look to God and ask him to save us. I've seen this in my life and in the lives of inmates. The prison experience is a traumatic and emotional time. The emotions come out in anger, loneliness, depression, and sometimes in art and poetry.   

    My own experience, in my work with inmates, has led me to write theirs and my own emotions on paper as poetry. I feel that God led me to work in a prison and that he gave me the ability to feel and to understand in,mates' emotions. I have transferred these onto paper as poems and have published this book in hopes that others will understand their feelings and will use this book, with the inmates experiences and emotions to encourage themselves and others to change their lives with God's help.

    When talking with individual inmates, I have often written a poem after our conversation. Other times, after conversations with one of them, I have had a poem that I had written come to mind and at that time I shared it with him. Other times, my experience in my field of work that I feel was chosen for me by God; I have seen things that led me to write a poem. These poems are sent through me from God, who has encouraged countless inmates to turn their lives around., to get their Bibles off their shelves, and to give their lives back to God. I pray that this book will also encourage you to do the same and that you will use it to share and encourage others.



Tattooed Devotions


    Here we are agian. A new book in the making! God has blessed the ministry so, so much. If we hadn't been here, we may have a hard time believing jusst how good God is. He sees around  the bend. He pulls us up the mountains. He is our shelter in the rain. He is our peace and our joy. When we get overwhelmed, we may become discouraged. It's really important that we keep looking up. God knows what we need. He will give it to us.  He is our loving, heavenly Father who really does care. We pray for all those who surround us and those who surround them. This world can be a dark, fearful place. We know fear, depression, hopelessness come from satan. We know he wants us all to go down with him. We know that God is unconditional love and forgiveness. We have found peace and joy when we live in God's ways. We know that God wants the best for us all for now and for eternity. When discouragement comes, we need to ask God for HIS strength, HIS wisdom. We need to know this is God's plan, not ours. We can look back at the start of this ministry and get awestruck by what God has done. he has provided abundantly everything we need to do the job He has given us to do. All we need to do is Trust and Obey. There is NO other way. Keeping you all in our prayers. We thank you for all the pryers you say for us and this ministry. Praise God for what HE has done & will continue to do in all our lives. Keep looking up. Praise God and satan runs. Praise God, praise God, praise God. We love to watch satan run, and we know you will too.  A special thanks to all who have supported us and this ministry.  With your help it has grown far beyond the vision God gave us in the beginning. To God be the glory for now and forever and ever.


    Timothy and Rose  2010